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Mexican American Catholic College

Praying and Learning con la Familia. Encuentro, The Child and the Lamb


Dr. Montserrat Baños


San Antonio, TX

The Mexican American Catholic College is identifying Catholic parishes, schools, and communities with vibrant children’s liturgies, holistic life experiences, and faith formation, that allow children’s spirituality to flourish during childhood. The college is currently in the stage of academic research and production of a one-semester curricular course “Nurturing Childhood Spiritual Development”; from which workshops for catechists, ministry leaders, and volunteers will be derived, both English and Spanish. These efforts will culminate with their first regional Encuentro on Children’s Spirituality: “ The Child and the Lamb.” MACC along with Region X Catholic Association of Diocesan Directors of the Hispanic Ministry will gather more than 90 ministry leaders from 18 Catholic dioceses to learn, experience, and share best practices and resources that will help ministers support children’s spiritual development in the region’s parishes, schools, and communities. Among the objectives is to promote the more active participation of children in the liturgy as well as in moments of prayer and catechesis, facilitating their development as authentic apostles of Christ, with special attention will be given to the neediest communities with fewer resources, and to incorporating the participation of children with disabilities.


Indiana Wesleyan University

School of Theology & Ministry 

4201 S. Washington St.

Marion, IN 46953

© 2023 by Strengthening Ministry with Children Coordination Program

Conducted by Indiana Wesleyan University.

Funded by Lilly Endowment Inc.

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