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Second Episcopal District African Methodist Episcopal Church

Re-imagining Inter-Generational Christian Values and Beliefs


Karen Myers


Elkridge, MD

The Re-imagining Inter-Generational Christian Values and Beliefs program will begin with SEDAMEC hosting listening sessions with parents to understand their hopes for their children and learn how congregations can best support parents and families. Drawing on insights from the sessions, the program will invite parents to attend workshops in 20 congregations across the district that focus on age-appropriate, child-faith formation and produce resources for families on home-based faith sharing activities connected to key milestones of childhood. The resources also will encourage families to engage in service projects together. In addition, SEDAMEC will produce companion resources for congregations to use to strengthen ministries with families and gather clergy and congregational lay leaders in cohorts for ongoing training to provide support for families.


Indiana Wesleyan University

School of Theology & Ministry 

4201 S. Washington St.

Marion, IN 46953

© 2023 by Strengthening Ministry with Children Coordination Program

Conducted by Indiana Wesleyan University.

Funded by Lilly Endowment Inc.

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