National Federation of Catholic Youth Ministry
Christopher Leach
Washington, DC
Through the OneTable Initiative, the National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry (NFCYM) intends to fulfill our commitment to building the domestic church. We hope to unify the ministry of the church parish with the ministry of the domestic church through moments of encounter, intentional dialogue, and mutual support and collaboration.
Working in close collaboration with several other national organizations, we are confident that the OneTable Initiative will reach 75% of Catholic dioceses in the United States and train at least 1,500 ministry leaders within its first five years.
Seeing the changing cultural landscape that families are facing today, the OneTable Initiative aims to support the domestic church using a 3-pronged approach: training for parish leaders in synodal listening and strategic planning for ministries with families, direct marketing to parents to inspire them to engage their parish leaders in supporting them in their domestic church, and seeking dialogue with and the support of US Catholic bishops through a Champion Bishop and Bishop Advisory Council.
The OneTable Initiative has two overarching goals:
1.Inspiring, equipping, and empowering parents to form their children’s faith in partnership with church leaders and ministers.
2.Inspiring, equipping, and empowering church leaders and ministers to partner with parents and caregivers in forming the faith of children.
Through OneTable, we intend to equip parents with the finest available resources via NFCYM’s national network of member and collaborating organizations. This includes forming a Family Ministry Coalition, made up of family-serving ministries and organizations across the country. Moreover, we intend to empower parents and congregational leaders via the support and authorization of participating US Catholic Bishops.