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Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary

The Faithful Formation Project


Sarah Flannery


Louisville, KY

Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary (LPTS) will develop a program to provide parents and caregivers with access to resources, training, and other tools that will help them engage in Christian practices and embed them in their families’ daily lives. The aim is to encourage and strengthen faith formation at home. Drawing on the research of Dr. Brad Wigger on childhood cognition and theological understandings of childhood and Dr. Leslie Ann Earles on religious parenting styles, LPTS will develop resources for parents, as well as pastors and congregational leaders who work with parents, to engage in practices to help families integrate their faith into family life. LPTS will invite pastors and lay leaders from local congregations to participate in seminars and workshops to refine the resources and explore how they can be used to strengthen their ministries with families. The resources also will be tested with families who work with LPTS’ Counseling Center and who are seeking help in teaching their faith and values to their children. LPTS will develop a web-based platform to share the most impactful resources with parents and caregivers as well as pastors and congregational leaders.


Indiana Wesleyan University

School of Theology & Ministry 

4201 S. Washington St.

Marion, IN 46953

© 2023 by Strengthening Ministry with Children Coordination Program

Conducted by Indiana Wesleyan University.

Funded by Lilly Endowment Inc.

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