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Archdiocese of San Antonio

Dando Esperanza a las Familias


Joan Martinez


San Antonio, TX

The Dando Esperanza a las Familias program seeks to provide research-based, bilingual resources to help parents and caregivers share their faith with their children. Working collaboratively with the Mexican American Catholic College, University of Notre Dame’s McGrath Institute for Church Life, the National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry and Catechesis of the Good Shepherd, the program will provide resources and workshops on parenting for parent and caregiver support groups in parishes throughout the diocese. In addition, the program will provide education and training for priests, Catholic school faculty and professional and volunteer ministry leaders to help them strengthen ministries with families in their parishes.


Indiana Wesleyan University

School of Theology & Ministry 

4201 S. Washington St.

Marion, IN 46953

© 2023 by Strengthening Ministry with Children Coordination Program

Conducted by Indiana Wesleyan University.

Funded by Lilly Endowment Inc.

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